Hi! I'm going to talk about my favourite sport: rowing!
The days 28, 29 and 30 of May we (Maria, Mireia, Andrea, Lydia, Jenny, Marta and me) will go to Denia, Alicant with the the rowing team, because we have classified for the Spanish Championshio. We are very happy, and we are all really excited to go!
The last 2 of May we went to the Catalonia Championship. We competed againist 4 teams more, but we are 15 years old and the other teams were 17 years old. In spite of this we were 2 on the classification, and we classified for the Spanish Championship.
Our trainer was very proud of our effords.
We are going to Denia on Friday 28 at 8:15, and the journey to Denia will take 6 hours. On the Saturday we are going to compete in the morning and in the afternoon, andd if we classify we will compete on Sunday for the final. I hope to win because we have trained very hard :)

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